Believe and Achieve: Bringing Your Dreams to Life

Hello Family,

I hope you’re doing well and have some delightful snacks to brighten your day.

I wanted to share some fantastic news with you. As you know, I have a podcast called Black Women Amplified. I just wrapped up season 3, and it was nothing short of amazing. This season focused on self-care, featuring incredible guests who are both inspiring and down-to-earth. We discussed everything from pleasure to great food—everything women love to chat about. Although the podcast is called Black Women Amplified, it’s for everyone—women and men alike.

During our weekly family call this weekend, my cousin made a comment that took me by surprise. He suggested that I only care about Black women, and his tone was completely off. I clutched my pearls! Mainly because it’s not true. I love everyone who loves me back. I am a humanist, but I champion Black women because I know what it feels like not to have a cheerleader. My circle looks like the United Nations, and I support the dreams and liberation of all people.

Here’s the thing: this podcast was developed to create a space for women who look like me to share their stories and journeys—women whom modern media often ignore. When I was searching for stories, the narratives were limited. Either Black women were portrayed in stereotypical roles or living like they were in Good Times. I knew this wasn’t the full truth of who we are. After researching media and advertising, it became clear that these narratives were intentional. We have so many more stories to share with the world. But between Tyler Perry and BET, the scope of Black womanhood remained narrow. A mentor once told me, “If you don’t see it, build it.” So I did. These remarkable women, whether Black, Afro-Latin, or Caribbean, have stories for everyone to hear, be inspired by, and enjoy.

This journey has been challenging, and on many days I wanted to quit. But with the support of super sister friends, tears, and prayers, I surrendered and walked the path God created for me. Today, I received an email that my podcast is number 1 in my lane for Black women and number 19 in all-time podcasts on Goodpods. It’s like Goodreads for podcasts. They have been incredibly supportive, and it’s a woman-owned platform.

This is why I encourage and teach women to create podcasts—not because it’s trendy, but because we need more space to share our authentic stories. We need to fill the world with our true selves, have real conversations, and move beyond the limiting narratives modern media portrays. Podcasting is also a way to set your stage, share your expertise, and build community.

I’m sharing my excitement and reminding you that no matter who doesn’t support your vision or dream, there are many more who will celebrate with you and offer their support. Your dreams deserve to come alive. Believe in them, believe in yourself, and take action.

Also, one of our podcast sponsors is having a 50% off sale. Perfect time to order your summer supply. I have been using their products for over 10 years and love them. Try them and let me know what you think. www.blackwomenamplified./vitalbody. Use this link to ensure you make it to the correct site.

Have an amazing day and keep dreaming.

Love and light,

Monica Wisdom
Chief Mentor